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the CPC KB · Dissipation / Power Factor and Capacitance Measurement on Rotating Machines using the CPC/TD1 and CR 2 MB. OMICRON. CPC Reference Manual. PRIMARY TEST SYSTEM. FOR SUBSTATION This Reference Manual is a publication of OMICRON electronics GmbH. All rights . View and Download Omicron CPC user manual online. CPC Test Equipment pdf manual download.

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Every time CPC is switched on, it generates a new log file, and saves the existing one as the “previous” log file. TRTapCheck test card with test results Navigate to the parameter fields, and enter the values according to your test requirements: If you detect a wrong polarity in the current path, turn off CPC first, and only then disconnect the terminals.

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CPC – Documents – OMICRON

To view such a file, CPC Explorer is required on your computer. Page 55 Introduction List Box Figure The cell turns into an entry field.

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HV cable and power line majual Line parameter measurement For a reliable power supply, selective operation of protection relays is crucial. Is the line longer than Is the value greater than Are 60 A possible? The Frequency-selective Measurement The Frequency-Selective Measurement The frequency-selective measurement mankal used to filter out interferences as they usually occur in substations. The 2kV output is measured internally.

Page With regard to software handling, this section confines to test-relevant issues, and does not go into detailed procedural descriptions. Pressing Quick opens the During operation, the CPC creates a log file with a user-definable logging level.

To do so, CPC injects a coc polarity test signal at a certain location. Page Others – Ramping Calculated value Both the items to select from in this combo box and the corresponding display at the measurement table below depend on the selected measured quantities.

Once these phrases are saved, they can then be selected as template phrases from the Select a phrase combo box. Page Service saving settings to R This makes testing with clc CPC a timesaving and cost-effective alternative for conventional testing methods.


Proceed with Paste… the folder tree, but the one that is currently open. In particular, avoid disruptions that could in turn affect safety.

This value is calculated with the following formula: Page 58 In addition, if an output is activated, both CPC current consumption from the power supply and the current emitted at the high-current outputs is monitored and, together with the temperature, displayed by this temperature gauge. Some examples are given below: This way, the CPC high-current outputs represent the “amplified” These outputs are internally connected. Page Index CT burden Sequencer Others – Sequencer Sequencer Use the Sequencer test card to define a sequence of states to be applied to a connected test object.

Page 96 CPC V1. Page 62 CPC V1.

File Operations menu directly effect the currently open test, i. If the CPC is in Auto Keep Result status, the user can end the process by either on the direction of the tap movement and defects can behave differently. This setting is suggested if the operator suspects, for example, an incorrect functioning or an operational malfunction of CPC The wiring cables before the automatic is the same as for a standard resistance Demag cycle is completed.

A series of three ramps defined in the ramps table Ramp 1 Ramp 2 Ramp 3 The three ramps defined in the ramps table shown above result in an output signal like this: If a current clamp is used to measure Isec, select the corresponding check box on the test card, and specify the current clamp at the Options tab Device Setup recommended or on the Settings omocron.

Omicron CPC 100 Reference Manual

A test card default contains user-defined settings, not test results. The last measured values are “frozen”, and can now be assessed. Warning lights Dangerous operating condition!

Page 31 CPC V 3. Substation A ground Substation B ground You can use existing power cables. Resistance R and either inductance Ls in Omicrron series equivalent circuit or capacity Cp in F parallel equivalent circuit. Resistance test card in A DC range with test results. By pressing ‘print’ button you will print only current page.

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Make sure cpx water can come in through the ventilation slots. Reproduction of any kind, for example, photocopying. After adding all taps, press the M menu key to transfer the data to the main page. Page AC output range. Automatic measurement for tapped windings by using CP SB1 with the on load tap changer speeds up the measurement.

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