How To Fix Coin-out Jam On Slot Machine

Trouble Shooting Summit Systems Slot Machines

Many of the electronic problems on the Summit Systems slot machines arerelated to the connectors at the rear of the reel assembly. All of thecontrols (inputs and outputs) to the controller board have to pass through these twoconnectors. Clean and burnish (brighten) the connectors. Sometimes a contactcleaner/lubricant can help after the pins have been burnished. Spray both the maleand female connectors for best cleaning effect.

How To Fix Coin-out Jam On Slot Machine

How To Fix Coin-out Jam On Slot Machines

Note: As I receive inquires about machine problems, I will try and add the cause andsolution to this page.

Identification of the Boards:

Learn how the old mechanical slot machines work. How to repair, maintain and restore these collectors items. All Mechanical amusements repaired, wanted or se. These are some very basic repair and preventive maintenance tips for the newbies or dummies. If you have vending machines, use them. Also, if you have a good machine company you deal with, and they have a service department, you can call them for technical help on machines. Pachislo Coin Jam Prevention & Solutions. Square Plastic Brown or Black Coin Mechanism. Turn machine off. Remove the bottom coin shield. In some cases the square brown coin mechanisms have coin shields that are hinged - just lower the coin shield.

The Top board of the electronics is the 'InterfaceBoard' (Red Handle)

The Middle board is the 'Slot Controller Board' (YellowHandle) The battery is normally located on this board. Most boardshave the battery removed. This does not cause any problem with the machineoperation. See 'Battery Issues' in this section

The Bottom board is the Options Board which isthe interface to other machines when the machine is used in a progressive jackpot typearrangement (multiple machines are connected together). Normally, this board is notinstalled. However, if you purchase a machine with this board installed, you mayneed to keep the board in to have the machine play. The options board is also usedto control the sound while the reels are running. This is only if you have a soundboard in your machine. The sound board is usually located in the top section of theslot machine cabinet.

Over Indexing: (see Tilt Codes)

How To Fix Coin-out Jam On Slot Machine Without

Over indexing can be caused by one of two things. Sticky release mechanism orfaulty (intermittent) encoders. If you suspect the encoders, go through the reelalignment procedure. This will most likely show up a faulty encoder.

Extra Coins Paid out (occasionally):

This usually happens when the clutch on the motor fails to engage or is weak. Tryadjusting the clutch device on the hopper motor. Also, the coin out switch may needslight adjusting, see the next paragraph

Extra Coins Paid out and Tilt, Flashing 0 or # with any win!

The slot controller board relies on the feedback from the coin activated switch on thehopper. Each time a coin passes through the feed mechanism it activates a lever andin turn activates a switch. This switch feeds the 'coin out' signal to the slotcontroller board. So first make sure that the switch is being activated by thecoins. To see if the slot controller board is registering the switch input performthe following test:

Note: Start with No tilt code should be present on the machine(see 'Battery Issues' to disable the tilt code retention).

1. Play a game, single coin:

2. During the game play, hold the coin activator lever up (on the hopper) to simulate acoin being fed out.

3. At completion of play, the meter should be alternately flashing a -8- and an 0. This code is coin out jam (switch closed)

4. When releasing the lever, the -8- should change to a -9-. Press the hopperreset and the -9- should change to a 1. 1 means it registered 1 coin as being fedout.
5.Then when you close the door (activating the door switch) the machine shouldresume play.

First thing is to determine if you get the -8-. If you do, the switchactivated by the coin out lever mayjust need adjusting. You can adjust the lever activated switch as there is a screwto accomplish this. The lever that the coins actuate has a roller near where thecoins exit the hopper. At the opposite end of the lever, there is normallyan adjusting screw that actuates a micro switch as the coins go out. The switch has to'toggle' with each coin out.

If you don't get the -8- tilt code, the slot controller board is not processing thesignal. You will need a new slot controller board or yours repaired. The chipthat buffers the hopper switch signal is the ILQ-74. Changing the chip may correctthe problem. We now have this chip in stock.

Coins Won't pay out (flashing 0 on the right Digit of the Meter Display):

1. Check to make sure that there are no coins jammed in the coin disk of the hopper andthat the disk can be rotated freely about 1/8 of an inch (or more). The electronicsto control the hopper are located on the interface board and will requirerepairs. The hopper also has a circuit board. Rarely, this board goes bad. If the hopper won't run, you get a flashing zero on the display along with the tiltlight. The flashing zero meaning that zero coins were paid. This problem could berelated to bad connections on the plug and jack assemblies on the hopper or the reelmechanism. To restart payout, press the hopper reset button and close the door(activating the switch on the top hinge of the door). After 3-4 seconds, the hoppershould activate. See the above paragraph for clearing the tilt and restarting thepayout! Also, see 'Battery Issues' to disable the tilt code retention.

Clearing the flashing Zero on the Right Digit of the display:

If the hopper runs, then pressing the hopper reset button and closing the door(activating the switch connected to the top hinge), should clear the flashing zero andallow the hopper to run. If the flashing zero stops for a few seconds, thencomes back, it's because the hopper won't run or the hopper switch is failing to signalthe coins going out. Also, see 'Battery Issues' to disable the tilt code retention.

Continuity test for the coin out switch of the hopper:

Testing for continuity using an ohm meter. 0 volts is either thenegative end of the battery or the black with red trace wire on the coin inswitch (easy to get to). The 'coin out' input resistor on the 'slot controller'board is R10. With the machine off, if you are measuring the resistancebetween 0volts and the end of the resistor that goes to the edge connector(circuit board gold pins), the resistance should go low (about 1 to 100 ohms)when the coin out switch is activated. If the resistance goes low, youhave good continuity in the machine harness and connectors and the problem isthe slot controller board. If the resistance does not go low, you have aproblem with connections in the system (usually the rear connectors of the reelassembly).

Testing with a volt meter (power on):
R10 should have about 3.5 to 4.0 volts on it with the coin out switch open(either end of the resistor). If the resistor has 5 volts, the optocoupler (ILQ-74) is shorted and will need replacing.

Repairs and Board Testing

Repairs and diagnostics are available according to the prices listedbelow:

DescriptionDiagnostic FeeRepairs (Diagnostic Fee Included)Notes:
Interface Board (Red Handle)$20$50Top Board
Slot Controller (Yellow Handle)$20to be quotedMiddle Board, will quote if repairable
Power Supply$20to be quotedIf the power supply is physically damaged, just purchase a new one as the repairs are very difficult.
Detectors$20$50Located above the boards, mounted to the plate assembly and aligned between the reels.
Hopper (coin out mechanism)$20to be quotedIn the bottom of the machine
Reel Assembly$40to be quoted
Options Board (Blue Handle)to be quotedto be quotedBottom board (not always present)
Board Set (including Power Supply)$50to be quoted$40 if no power supply is included.

You don't need to call, just pack up your boards, send them to us, Attention: DickHarkey. Be sure to include your name, return address, contact information and descriptionof service requested. Be sure to specify return method of shipment. Pack yourboards using some kind of protection between the boards (IE. Styrofoam, foam, cardboard ornewspaper). The slot controller board is subject to static electricity damaged andshould be wrapped in an anti-static material (pink bubble wrap or metalized film availableat most 'Mail Boxes Etc' and others. I usually will get back to you in 2-5 workingdays from receiving the parts. Note: The power supply is easily removed. This is the unit with the little on/off switch and the 2 LED's. On the leftside there is a recesses to reach in and pull it out.

Won't accept coins:

The machine has to be in a non tilt mode and the processor on the slot controller boardhas to be running in order to accept coins. If the machines accepts coins but doesnot register the coins, the slot controller board may be defective. There is an OEMchip in the slot controller that is no longer available and is always the reason for notcounting the coins in. You can order a replacement board or send in your board fortest. Sorry, I don't repair slot controller boards. If you purchase a slotcontroller board, I will apply the diagnostic fee toward the purchase of a new board.

Accepts and registers coins but won't start play.

1. If the handle is allowed to be pulled (handle release solenoid was activate) thenthe slot controller board is waiting for a game in progress signal from a switch. The switch is located on the side of the reel assembly and the two wire from the switch goto the back of the electronics mother board and plug in there with a 2 pin plug. Make sure that the plug is attached and that the switch is activated by the pulling of thehandle (launching of the reels).

2. If the handle is not allowed to be pulled, either the interface board is not turningon the solenoid for the handle release or the switch on the handle releasesolenoid/activate lever may need adjusting. (See above for board repairs and or testing).

Battery Issues: (The Battery is located on the SlotController Board) [Yellow Handle]

The battery is used for several things. It keeps track of the coins played, thenumber of coins in the hopper, the status of the last game play and of course maintainsthe last tilt code. To erase the memory, pull the jumper located next tothe battery. (The jumper has to be removed for 5-10 seconds for the board to losememory). When you turn the machine back on a '-0-' will appear in the coin payoutwindow. This code just means that the memory was re-initialized. When you press thehopper fill button, you are telling the machine that the hopper is full of coins(now). Typically the full count is around 2000 coins. So, if you hit a jackpotand don't have enough coins to pay out, you have to re-fill the hopper, press the hopperfill button and close the door. Closing the door signals the slot controller boardto continue paying out. Note: The battery is not necessary for correct operation ofthe machine. One customer found that without the battery, he would hit the jackpotafter power up and 20-30 plays. This is the only instance of a battery related issuethat I have heard of.

Coins Accepted, but Handle won't release

The handle release coil (located above the handle mechanism) has to be energized thruthe back connectors of the reel assembly to release the locking lever for the handle. Place a metal screwdriver near the release coil. If you feel the magneticpull of the coil, then the problem is mechanical. If there is no magnetic pull, thenone of the following applies.

  1. The interface board is not energizing the coil
  2. There is no connection thru the back connectors of the reel assembly
  3. The interlock switch operated by the locking lever is not making contact
  4. The release coil is open. This can be confirmed by measuring the resistance of the coil.

How To Fix Coin-out Jam On Slot Machine Jackpots

If the problem is mechanical, most likely there is a groove that has been worn into therelease lever. This is where the armature of the coil and the release lever come incontact with each other. The armature should be fairly easy to push and release thelocking lever. If it feels 'stick' lubricate or file off the groove in the releaselever so that it allow smooth movement of the armature.

Handle Release Issue: New and Old Interface boards notcompletely compatible. The old style interface board (red handle) had mechanicalrelays (black rectangles). The new style interface board has opto-couplers andTriacs (solid state). The old style interface board applied 120 volts to the handlerelease solenoid. This would be a gray/yellow stripe wire as the 120 volt source,and blue/white stripe as the return of 0 VAC. The new interface board utilizes 50VACto the handle release solenoid and still uses the gray/yellow wire.. The common orreturn for the 50VAC is a yellow wire. If you have thiscondition with old wiring connections but a new interface board, then remove and tape theblue/white wire from the handle release solenoid. Locate and make connection to theyellow wire somewhere in the machine to the handle release solenoid. You should endup with a gray/yellow wire and yellow wire on the each of the solenoid connections. Note: The 50VAC is isolated from the 120 VAC, this is why there is no power to turnon the handle release solenoid!

Tilt's often:

Please email me the tilt code, and I will put an answer to the tilt reason here on myweb site within 48 hours (unless I am on vacation).

How To Fix Coin-out Jam On Slot Machine Machines

Tilt's Codes Won't Clear

After pressing the Hopper Reset button on the power supply, the machines waits for thedoor to be closed. There is a switch mounted behind the upper hinge of the door andthe switch should be activated by the hinge (door) closing. There is about a 1second delay before the game is allowed to proceed. There should be a plastic piecemounted to the plunger of the switch. If the plastic piece is missing the switch will notbe activated by closing the door. The plastic piece is about 1/2 inch square andabout 3/8 inch deep. I have them in stock if you want to order it (complete doorswitch).

ILQ-74 Inputs and Outputs (switch buffer)

The ILQ-74 chip is used to buffer all the switch signals of the machine. It isthe most common failure for the slot controller board. IE won't read the coin in,count the coins out, etc. The following is a list of inputs and outputs. Note: All of the inputs go to resistors and then the ILQ-74 chip. So I am givingall the connections on the slot controller board. Use the battery - (minus) connection asthe common measuring point. Same as the black wire with the red stripe on all theswitches. You can order this chip from me if you have the skills to replace it.

  • Connections are to slot controller board, to the input resistor to the input pin of the chip to the output pin of the chip.
  • J/P RESET (Jackpot Reset located on the side of the machine). Pin 70, to R9 to Pin 7 of ILQ-74, output Pin 10 (if the output of the ILQ-74 is bad, the game is waiting for the signal to go high). Nothing will happen as long a this signal is wrong.
  • Coin-In Switch (Located on the door under the coin mechanism. Pin 76, to R12 to Pin 2 of ILQ-74, output Pin 15 (won't register coins)
  • Coin-Out Switch (Located on the Hopper). Pin 72, to R10 to Pin 6 of ILQ-74, output Pin 11 (doesn't count the coins out)
  • Door Switch (Located behind upper hinge). Pin 74 to R11 to Pin 3 of ILQ-74, output Pin 14.

Note: While measuring the input or output of the ILQ-74 the related input and outputshould change state as the switch is being pressed.

Sounds and Sound Issues(Pictures)

Some machines were wired for sound and others only used the jackpot bell as coin-inindicator and win indicator. The machines that were wired for sound have a soundboard and speaker behind the upper light assembly. The sound board is interfaced tothe machine via a small board mounted to the cabinet just behind the reel assembly. The sound interface board has a 20 pin connector on the left and a 16 pin connector on theright. The most common problem with sound issues is that one of the reed relays onthe interface board becomes stuck (switch closed). By lightly striking the reedrelays (small rectangular black body) you can un-stick the contacts. The indicationis that a chirp kind of sound is generated when the machine is powered up.

There are 3 sounds generated by the machine. Coin-in (the coin-in switch isdirectly wired to the first reed relay (on the left). Reels running, this soundsignal comes from the option board. I have just designed a replacement for theoptions board (blue handle) for those who would like to get the reel sound running. The last sound is of course the jackpot or coins paid sound. This sound is generatedby the 'bell' circuit. 6.3 volts AC is connected to the interface board and theboard has the components mounted on it to rectify the AC to DC to drive the 5 volt reedrelay.

All of the sound boards that I have seen utilize opto-isolators for the input commands. You can troubles shoot the board sound board by performing the following.

1. remove the 12 pin connector on the side of the board.

2. Short pin 4 and 5 of opto-couplers U1, U2, U3 (respectively). This shouldactivate each sound. Pin 1 of the opto-coupler (H11B2) has a 'dimple' and you countcounter clockwise. So pins 4 and 5 are on the opposite side of the opto-couplers asthe input connector.

If the board makes sound, the problem is the interface board behind the reel assembly.

All Reels don't Spin when Handle is pulled or don't always spin

Turn off the power, pull the handle, If all reels launch the problem isa shorted driver on the interface board. If some reels don't spin, theproblem is only mechanical. Lubricate all the joints on the stop levers(the levers and mechanism for stopping the reels). All of the pivot partsof the stop levers should move freely.

Last Updated 11/24/2010